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Amy Quote

Our partners are all over the world

Map of the world showing the reach of TOMS Impact

Culver City, United States

Black Emotional and Mental Health Collective (BEAM)

London, United Kingdom

The Maya Centre

Madrid, Spain


CDMX, Mexico

Fundación Origen

United States

Healthy Minds Alliance by Health360

Calgary, Canada


Dubai, United Arab Emirates

The LightHouse Arabia

München, Germany

MHI Mental Health Initiative

Stockholm, Sweden


Athens, Greece

Together for Children
Eliza Quote
to better mental health
1 step at a time
10x10 impact initiative
2nd Quote Amna
5 NGOs
5 NGOs
3rd Quote

We’re proud to share what ⅓ of profits for social initiatives really looks like and the steps we’ve taken to bring to life our vision of a more equitable tomorrow - one where all people have a chance to thrive. In 2021, we’ve invested over $2M in communities and positively impacted over 400,000 lives.